The power market is changing, from the way energy is delivered to new technology. Our clients are looking for reliable, sustainable solutions - and this is where our in-depth experience can make a difference.

Keeping your high value assets humming along, smartly and cost-efficiently, is central to our power solutions. This includes traditional power infrastructure as well as innovative smart grids, intelligent power networks, renewable power generation and virtual power plants.

We've honed our skills over many years providing solutions for our power generation, transmission and distribution clients across Australasia.

And we're using these smarts to design integrated power solutions for clients in other sectors, too.If you’re a major power user in the rail, airports, or water space, we can help you design and access reliable,  continuous high voltage services. 

Let us help you sustain your capital, manage your vital assets and plug into new technologies.

Our People

Mark Jacob

Senior Principal - Power

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Email Mark Jacob
Miron Janjic

Technical Fellow - Power

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Peter McCafferty

General Manager - Power

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Email Peter McCafferty